Dollard Lawyer Valerie Assouline takes death of 7-year-old Granby girl case

The mother of the 7-year-old girl who died harshly in Granby last April criticizes the Director of Youth Protection (DYP). The little girl was known to the DYP from a very young age. The girl was found unconscious one morning in late April and rushed to the hospital, where she succumbed to her injuries. The child was reportedly abused, thin, and covered with various injuries. She was found in critical condition in the Granby family home where she lived with her younger sibling, their father and his new spouse. The child was allegedly tied up and gagged with tape.

The couple has since been charged with sequestration, aggravated assault, abandoning child, and failing his duty to provide necessaries of life.

“This is a case that touched my heart as a mother,” said Assouline, who is known to be a passionate and dedicated lawyer. “I have children, and this hits home. I have faith in our judicial system and believe that the Courts will determine if mistakes were in fact made, once all the facts have been presented. However, there was undoubtedly a flaw in the system’s intervention in this case, as several government officials have recently stated.”

The biological mother had made repeated overtures of concern for the safety of her child to the DYP as well as to all other figures of authority involved. All these letters were ignored, which lead to the regrettable events which occurred in April. Not only had the mother made overtures to the DPJ, but the paternal grandmother had as well. During the first 44 months of her life, the girl was doing well under the care of her grandmother, however, the DYP decided to give custody of the child to the father, despite the grandmother’s strong objections and the numerous episodes of violence witnessed by the girl and her sibling, which the DYP was well aware of.

“This is a story which requires answers and which we will be following closely,” said Assouline.


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